Hi there!

Welcome to my Umwelt / second brain / digital garden / knowledge garden! This garden is an experiment with the idea of working with my (digital) door open.

Currently, I am learning Bayesian statistics through the book Statistical Rethinking, learning more about the Immune system, and starting to play with Julia.

Broadly, I am curious about integrating ideas from different fields of science (particularly biology and engineering), developing new technologies that would open up previously unsolved problems (like Carbon sequestration using algae), new ways of analyzing data that would provide novel insights and more general insights about the world (like Importance of priors in updating beliefs).

To satiate my curiosity, I try to attend talks on broad topics, read varied books and learn new techniques from different fields. Often this gives rise to (what I think are) interesting thoughts. Previously, I used to gather my notes and my thoughts in my Obsidian Vault. As a part of this experiment, I am in the process of opening up the notes and publishing it here. The notes fall into four categories:

  • resource-notes: notes from books, podcasts, scientific articles and other sources of information.
  • technical-notes: notes on technical concepts related to my scientific research.
  • thoughts: ideas, thoughts and notes based on resource-notes, technical-notes.
  • posts: my blog posts, written before I started this experiment.

The notes in this digital garden are intricately linked to how I perceive the world (my Umwelt). As a consequence, sometimes you might find my notes surprising, in both good and bad ways. In either case, feel free to shoot me an email! Any surprise has some information that can provoke conversation and improve thought.

Have a gander at it and let me know your thoughts, i.e. your Umgebung!


P.S: If you happen to stumble onto this page, you will find more about me on my main website.