FPGA based IO module

Context: One of my projects involve writing specialized volumetric acquisition algorithms for a custom-built Two-photon microscope. To increase the speed of volume acquisitions based on precise IO from control elements (such as Galvoscanners), I am using an programmable FPGA - a PXI chassis + PXIe-7857R for image acquisition and IO.

The below are notes for setup and development of necessary algorithms for volumetric acquisition.


  1. Check if the device is installed properly:
    • Make sure all the drivers are installed. Check model name and the associated driver.
    • Use NI MAX for PXI devices (especially PXI chassis)
  2. Load getting started project and compile 01_DIO.vi (or follow this video to create a fresh vi). Use a osilloscope and a wavegen to check if the outputs are as expected.
  3. Set up FPGA compile worker:
    • Requires Ubuntu 20.04 (and associated libraries)
