Notes for setting custom open source firmware on my router.


My current firmware

  1. Follow device specific instructions for flashing dd-wrt. Use dd-wrt forum to find stable versions for the router (search specifically for the model number and look at comments - takes a while πŸ˜“)

  2. Setup secure management username, password.

  3. Setup wifi:

    • Setup same names for both 2.4G and 5G, most devices seem to be able to pick and use the fastest one when required1
    • Setup WPA2-PSK with 128 AES for encryption and setup a key (for both).
    • Setup a Virtual interface for guest wifi. Use the 2.4 GHz channel for this, make it unbridged, add in its own own ip subnet, and switch on net, AP isolation.2
    • Setup a DNS server for the guest wifi. Networking β†’ DHCPD β†’ add a server for the guest interface (ip subnet will be automatically added).
  4. Setup local domain so that hosts can be connected using hostnames.

    • Setup router name and router hostname @ Setup β†’ Basic setup.
    • Setup local domain @ Services β†’ Services β†’ DHCP Setup. Set Used domain to LAN & WLAN, and set LAN domain to β€˜home’.
    • Optionally, disable No DNS rebind (@ Services β†’ Services β†’ Dnsmaq infrastructure).
    • The router administration page should now be accessible at (router-hostname.home)
  5. Add subdomains for self-hosted services in Services β†’ Services β†’ Dnsmasq Infrastructure β†’ Additional Options.

  6. Setup wireguard client and route traffic to VPN server. To do this, I followed this guide from this forum post (local copy here. The easiest approach is to basically just import wireguard config from protonvpn (or other vpn service) and adjust some settings. I typically set the source to Route selected sources through VPN and provide ip subnets for this.3 If the persistent keepalive is not set, I set it to 25 or 26.

  7. Setup dynamic DNS so that I can VPN onto your router without an ip address (especially if you wan ip address changes once in a while). Register for a free dynamic dns service (I currently use, and create a subdomain linking to your router wan ip.4 Go to Setup β†’ DDNS β†’ pick service β†’ will username, domain etc β†’ save settings. The router will automatically update the ip linked to the hostname when wan ip changes.

  8. Setup wireguard server so that I can VPN into my home network. To do this, I follow this excellent guide from this forum post (local copy here).5 I followed the guide verbatim and then connect from my phone or computer to check if it is working well.


  1. Used this superuser page and this tomshardware page as reference ↩

  2. Used this dd-wrt wiki page as reference ↩

  3. Used subnet calculator and subnet cheatsheet as reference ↩

  4. For, create an account β†’ subdomains β†’ create a β€˜A’ subdomain linked to your wan ip and you are set. ↩

  5. Note: if I add the ip subnet to the wireguard client tunnel, I can vpn into my router, access home network and connect to internet through the output vpn connection. ↩